Tuesday, September 17, 2013

He Makes a Way. . .

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's might hand, that 
He may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you."
I Peter 5:6-7

Almost two weeks ago, I received a call.  An orphanage in the DRC would consider taking JP in, if his mom needed care for him.  They were not taking little boys at this time, but they would make an exception to help save him.  This orphanage could be a long-term home for JP, where he could receive food, a bed, medical care and an education (all things we knew he was currently living without).  

I was excited for the hope that this brought to JP's life.  But, I was also excited for another reason:  the mom finally had choice for her son.  Before this point, she only had two options:  keep him with her or relinquish him to be adopted.  Given the family's situation, I was not sure that was truly a "choice" for her, and I hated to think she may have chosen adoption out of nothing but desperation.  Now, I had a third option.

So, for the first time, knowing that we could give the mother freedom to choose what she thought was best for her family, we asked Esther to present three options:

1.  If you are able to care for JP, we will continue to pray heartily for your family;

2.  If you are not able to care for JP, but would like for him to remain in country, he can stay at the orphanage for as long as you like.  We will provide his care, and you can continue to be vested in his life.

3. If you are not able to care for JP, but would like for us to try to adopt him, we can try that.  If we are unable to adopt, he could still stay at the orphanage, as well.

We did not know if Esther would be able to find JP, but now that we had every option available, we needed to understand her wishes so we could decide when/how to let go.  We understood she and JP were living in their third home, after other family members had asked them to leave because they could not care for them. One week later, Esther finally found the family: JP's birth mother was in the hospital.  Her health had decreased in her attempts to care for her family.

And, after much waiting, this weekend we learned that JP's mother made her wishes know, with the help of her own advocate.  She recognized that she could not currently offer a safe place for him and receive the medical care that she desperately needed.   We feel so blessed that the Lord allowed us to present her with all three options and that He gave her counsel:  that gives us incredible peace, and I hope it gives incredible peace to JP's mom, as she continues to struggle in her fight against severe illness. 

As we wait for all of the "hiccups" to work themselves out, I am--for the first time in months--feeling my own peace.  I am resting at God's feet, in awe of His goodness, and waiting patiently for Him to fulfill His promise to the orphan and widow.  A sweet friend sent the book Jesus Calling to me when she knew I was facing trials this summer.  Today's entry was more than perfect.  

You will not find My peace by engaging in excessive planning, attempting to control what will 
happen to you in the future.  This is a commonly practiced form of unbelief.  When your mind 
spins with multiple plans, Peace may sometimes seem to be within your grasp; yet it 
always eludes you.  Just when you think you have prepared for all possibilities, 
something unexpected pops up and throws things into confusion.

I did not design the human mind to figure out the future.  That is beyond your capability.
I crafted your mind for continual communication with Me. Bring me all your needs, 
your hopes and fears.  Commit everything into My care.  Turn from the path of planning
to the path of Peace.

While some things are yet to be decided, at this time, all of my prayers have been answered.  Esther was moved to keep us informed of JP's well-being.  An advocate stepped up to honor the plight of the widow. And, JP is in a safe place.  The situation is out of our hands, and into His.  Actually, where it has always been, if I would just let Him lead.  


  1. God is so gracious...so good. So thankful for JP to be in a safe place and trusting in the Lord's perfect plan for his life.

  2. Thanks, Kristen! We are too. :) Thanks for being such a wonderful prayer warrior for him in this season and for being so diligent in your encouragement to me. I appreciate it more than you know.
