Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A One-Car Family?

Yes, we are now a one-car family. Three weeks after our decision to adopt, my husband did something I thought he would never do. I love my husband. He is a wonderful man who is patient and kind and generous. But, he does not take crazy risks, EVER. So, you can imagine my surprise when he emailed me, "Please pray for me, as I feel led to sell my truck." He really loves loved his truck. He enjoyed taking it out hunting; he enjoyed throwing stuff in the back; he enjoyed putting deer horns and camo "stuff" on and in it. It was his one piece of the country in this city life he must now live. So, needless to say, I was a bit floored and a bit apprehensive at this suggestion. But, he never wavered. He posted it on Craiglist the next Wednesday "just to see what would happen", and he transferred title on the following Monday. And, through the entire process, he always said to me, "It's just a truck." And, in the end, it is just a truck. But, it's a whole lot more. It's a chance for us to give a life to someone who would not have one otherwise. And, more than providing for another person's physical and emotional needs, it is a chance for us to share and live the Gospel for that one child. And, it is a chance for our God and Savior to show us His tender mercy through our own adoption as His sons and daughters. And, it is a way for the Lord to show us His amazing provision and His supremacy over all things. With that perspective, a second vehicle is really a small, inconsequential sacrifice. But, one I will be eternally thankful to my husband for making.

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